
Duty faith – Is faith a duty? Does it have merit?

Do we have a duty to believe? Is there some inherent merit in faith? We are commanded to believe, so this would also be a duty, that seems quite clear: Mark 1:15  “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news!” And faith is, in fact, […]


Corporate election – Does God choose groups instead of individuals?

But what does it mean to choose a group, as in “I choose those who choose me, to be mine”? That’s practically a tautology! As if a politician should say “I choose those who vote for me to be my supporters.” Now if the reply is that God chooses people for service, or for glory, […]


Foreseen faith – Does God choose those he sees will believe?

Is the choice God makes in election, choosing who will be saved, really God choosing those he sees will have saving faith when he brings his grace? We have to ask what the basis for God’s choice is, for Israel, for Esau, for Pharaoh (who wasn’t a nation!), and for others. For the reason Paul […]


Prevenient Grace – Does grace only make it possible to believe?

Does God only enable faith? Does grace stop there, and then we make a decision? John 1:7  He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all men might believe. Certainly grace does enable belief, and Jesus came to provide grace, required grace, without which we could not believe. But […]