By light of a lantern, a dim, trackless land,
And all unexpected, the touch of a hand,
The sound of a voice speaking soft in the night
Past all understanding, past hearing and sight.
The fears that surrounded have fled at Thy word
As bones of a ship, swirling shards on the flood,
In depth of Thy silence my thoughts be all drowned
to wait in Thy presence, enfold and surround
In Thy love, Father, carry me past my desires;
My plans are unfit for Thy kindling and fire;
Change ashes for incense, my treasures for gold,
For fears, give Thy presence, no home but Thy fold.
I wait now in silence, consume my self-greed,
Give patience to die, look to you till I see,
For my heart is yet blind and leads only to sin
Its thoughts and desires are as smoke in the wind
And the heights of its gifts carry soil and stain,
My life but unworthy the sign of Thy name.
Lord, humble me now, make me low, dust of dross:
“There was only one Christian, who died on the cross.”